Let me tell you...Wednesday came with extra things and I didn't feel like making our house mostly clean (HA!) & putting together a meal. But it all came together...and while I was running the dust cloth over the furniture, I had a thought. If I continued to wait for the right time to get together with others, it would never happen. There is always something going on. There is never a perfect time, a quiet pause in life...so just pick a day and love on the people in your life! Wednesday supper was so fun, and so refreshing, and I needed that.
And it's a good thing we took advantage of Wednesday night, because later that night Audrey woke up with another croupy cough and we were up till the wee hours. And today was filled with a doctor visit 45 minutes away and other craziness.
Plan A for each day has hardly happened around here this month...Plan B & C have been more like the norm. Problem for me is that my plan is Plan A...God is the one who usually introduces me to Plan B or Plan C...or D, E, F... ;o( Learning lots of flexibility and taking advantage of the small blessings that He sends along with the change of plans...like Nutella Nanaimo Bars after supper Wednesday night!