This is a weekend I’m struggling with, and maybe you are too. I had a hard initiation into the club of losing a mom a year and a half ago…and my second Mother’s Day without her is shaping up a little rough feeling.
But here’s the thing. She was my mother by blood (and she was truly amazing), but so many other women have mothered and mentored me through the years. I can hardly stand the thought of turning my focus inward to loss and instead choose to look at the beautiful souls God has placed in my life. Women who continue to speak truth into my marriage and my parenting, who come alongside and encourage and love the woman I am and see the woman God wants me to become. These are His good gifts to me during a time when I want to refuse to acknowledge His choices for my life…when I question His love and goodness to me.
Our arms may be empty and our hearts may ache to have what we thought we should have this Mother’s Day, but those are not our only choices regarding motherhood. We always have older and younger women around us…we are mothered by the elder and we mother those younger than us…it’s the Titus 2 model. And amidst our own griefs and sorrows, it is the sweetest thing to know that God has not left us alone. In His goodness, He provides.
What if empty arms and aching hearts are what He chooses to draw us closer to Himself? To seek Him and know Him deeply? Isn’t that our purpose in this Christian journey…to know Him and the power of His resurrection?
I know you hurt. I hurt too. But give honor to whom honor is due. Rejoice with those who rejoice and weep with those who weep. Joy is always intermingled with sorrow, we must learn to embrace the idea that our life paths are not the same…and that there is no politically correctness that will make it all ok or fill the lonely gaps, only Love wins, Christ’s love.
To those who mothered me growing up, and those who mother me in adult life, to those I have mothered, to the women in middle life with me, to my sisters who each carry a part of my mom …and to Mom… Happy Mother’s Day. I love you and am so thankful for your influence in my life. Let us lean into our good God who is our portion. He is enough.