Thursday, November 29, 2012

Curvy Girl Goes Skinny

No...I did not lose weight, I did not achieve the "thin as a rail" status. People do not say, "Wow, I can't believe you have had 2 kids, you look amazing!" They say, "You look so nice." The word 'skinny' does not grace the space next to my name. Actually, the word 'skinny' has never been put next to my name. I digress...

Actually, what I DID do is discover a skinny jean that works on a curvy girl. Four years ago I had lived through two years of Iowa winter and knew I needed something more in my winter gear. Enter riding boots. And warm legs. And stylish functionality. Thank you...I can now survive. But, I had no jeans that I could wear inside my boots, so I just wore them outside. I have tried on ENDLESS numbers of skinny jeans only to be disgusted time and time again. I mean, first off, I'm short - Strike 1. Secondly, I have hips larger than my waist - Strike 2 (which you think would be common knowledge about women's bodies - eh?). And lastly, I don't like to wear jeans that hug my every crevice! - Strike 3. And that's why I've never owned skinny jeans. And I was sad to have to wear my pants over my boots...but I was warm.

Then I read this. And I went to AE (where I never shop). And I tried them on. And I am in love with the Skinny Kick as well as the Skinny. And I found them on sale on Cyber Monday with free shipping. And the world rejoiced as the angels sang. Or...maybe I was listening to Christmas music while I ordered. Anyway...they are as close of a perfect fit as I've ever worn.

If you happen to be a curvy girl, make sure these get put on your Christmas list. Your boots will thank you.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Growing Up

It's almost comical to me how much my eldest wants to grow up. Today for instance, she is carrying around an old cell phone that was discarded when Rohn got his Treo years ago. She snatched that thing right up when I found it yesterday after digging through a box I haven't touched since we moved 7 years ago (yes, I am THAT kind of "out of sight, out of mind" person). And she's talking on the phone to someone very important, and is checking her calendar often. Totally cracking me up. Last year, she went the whole year comparing everything to "when I'm 33...", because of course, I was 33 and it was very cool to be 33.

Makes me think about when I was "little", and when I was in college but still living at home. Oh the things I was going to do when I grew up, when I left home:

  • I was NEVER going to take naps!
  • I would eat dessert as a meal, and drink out of the milk carton.
  • Play my music as loudly as I wished...and sing along at the top of my lungs.
  • Sleep in, sleep in, sleep in as long as I wanted.
  • Stay out past curfew...I mean, who imposes a 10pm curfew on their daughter??
  • I was going to leave the house without telling anyone where I was going, who I'd be with, and when I'd be getting back.
  • I would wear JEANS at any random time I chose to any locale I thought I just might want to wear them. AHA! (I know, this does not sound crazy to anyone else, but you'd have to have my same growing up background to understand, I suppose)
So now I am grown up. I mean, I'm thirty-something, live in a separate town from my parents (separate state!), have a mortgage, 2 kids, and I'm in charge of a ministry at church. I think all those things together might say I've reached grown-up-dom. Here's what I've checked off my list of being a grown up:
  • I LOVE naps, oh my goodness I wish I could get one everyday. And now I'm on the fighting end to make the Littles lay down and rest each day. What??
  • I eat dessert as a meal, chocolate as a meal, and coffee as a meal. And at one time I did drink straight out of the milk carton...b/c I could...but not anymore.
  • When driving the Swagger Wagon, everyone wants to talk to Mama, so the music has to be at a reasonable level. When at home managing the everything all day, music stays at a reasonable level. But, when I'm out on my own, I end up calling someone so I can speak to them uninterrupted...and you know what? I don't so much blare the music at all. That's sad.
  • Sleep in? What is that? Ever since these little alarm clocks entered my house, sleeping in has been a dream of the past...or the future...but definitely not the present. HA! That would be a present!
  • Curfew...I love to be home at, 9pm. Because then the babysitter has done all the work of getting the girls in bed, and then I just get to sit around in my pj's and watch whatever DVR I want to catch up on, and it's quiet. New rule at the Gibsons...try never to pay a sitter when the kids are sleeping. Good one, right?
  • Not telling anyone where I'm going...yea, not so much. When I leave I practically have to leave notes all over, make sure the sitter has my number, assure the girls I'll be right back to kiss them or cuddle them before bed, tell them where we're going and how important it is to be alone with Daddy, give a run down to the sitter, give a time we'll be getting home, check in while we're gone. So much for anonymity.
  • Jeans. Yes...I get to do this one daily. I have my stay-at-home-play-with-the-girls jeans, my date jeans, my going-to-town jeans (you know, the big city! Sioux Falls!), my work jeans. I love them. I live in them. I do believe I could use a few more pair. But to be honest, I love and adore dressing up. High heels. Lacy or opaque tights. Skirts & dresses that flounce above my knee. I now wear jeans everyday and I miss what it feels like to get prettied up. I wear dresses to church even though no one "expects" me to do it. I just love dressing up. I know, I'm weird. Love me anyway ;o)
All of that to bring me back to what I was trying to point out. We spend 1/2 our lives waiting to do our own thing, and then we get to our thirties and discover that we don't ever really get to do our own thing. We had it so easy when we were young...we just never knew it! I so want to instill in my girls a desire to just enjoy life where you're at. The next chapter will come barreling upon you when you least expect it, and then you'll never be able to go back. That chapter will be closed...but a new unwritten one will be in front of you. 

I think I should take my own advice. The jeans were definitely worth the wait though.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Holding On

Because some days it's all I feel I can do. And lately, I feel it more than ever...which isn't how it should be at all. I should be holding on with all I have all the time. Circumstances can never determine who I view God to be. But, these are the times that I see just how fleeting everything else in life is. There IS nothing to do, but hold on to the only Truth that never changes.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

How Do I Love Thee...

My friend, Janet, is such an encouragement on so many levels. One of those levels happens to be the topic of homeschooling. She wrote a book of devotionals, "The Daily Focus" (highly recommend!), that I've grown to love. In one of her stories, she told how she wrote a list of reasons she decided to homeschool, taken after the poem How Do I Love Thee by Elizabeth Barret Browning. Whenever Janet had a rough day of school with her kids, she would reference her "I Love Homeschooling" list to help refocus her on the big picture.

I liked the idea. I liked it for a lot of reasons...the main one being that one of my goals is to live intentionally. Referring to a list like that - and continually adding to it - would remind me to be intentional with my days.

Many of you do not homeschool, that's totally cool ;o) But, I thought I'd share the list that I started this year and maybe you'll start a list of your own for whatever thing proves to be your challenge.

Homeschooling, I Love Thee, Here are the Ways:

1. Freedom to be where we want to be physically & still be in school
2. No dragging kids out of bed at 6am (ie: early) to meet a preset time schedule
3. A daily schedule that can be adjusted as needed to dive into a subject more in depth, or adjust around appointments or ministry opportunities
4. Interaction with a variety of ages on a daily learning to adjust to the needs of others and help them or be helped
5. I get to see what the teacher sees...all the dots connecting, the lighted eyes of my girls when it suddenly all makes sense
6. They grow up so fast. I will never regret spending this "extra" time with them and sacrificing to be the one who teaches them
7. We're leaving a legacy...and we only get this one lifetime to pass on what we feel is needful for them. This is a part of that legacy, infusing Christ and HIS love into every single part of their daily lives, because life without Christ is no life at all.

So what's your challenge? At the end of the day, why do you do what you do? Start the list...

Friday, June 29, 2012

Kitchen Ramblings

I've always been fascinated with old houses...and the history of old houses. I blame my parents...they're history nuts. A few months ago I was reading an old journal of mine and I had written about this broken down old house I passed on my commute each day that had obviously had some glorious days in it's past, and what it had endured and "seen" during it's lifetime (I'm aware that was a total run-on sentence). I always thought it would be so cool to bring something that was so discarded back to life.

My poor husband, I should've told him these things before we purchased our current home. It was built in 1918 as the town boarding house...great big porches on the front and back of it, beautiful large windows throughout, formal living & dining rooms, parlor, huge open hallway upstairs lined with 5 bedrooms that leads to a sunroom through french doors. I took it in and saw past the ugly wallpaper, bad paint choices, worn carpet, teal cabinets, and imagined what it could be...or maybe what it once was. I loved the character of the wooden ceiling beams, and the door in the kitchen that opened to a closet (that I'm convinced is covering up a servants stairway to the upstairs "attic" room), big walk-in closets, and the opportunity for entertaining others comfortably. After the 7 previous houses we had walked through that day, this one seemed like a palace. We signed the dotted line and started getting to work.

Did you know how much renovating/updating an old house can cost? We soon found out...and the dream of what the house could one day be seemed distant & foggy. Looking back now, I see how much progress we've made, and how much we have yet to do. People comment on what a beautiful house we have and I have to just say, "It's a work in progress"...because there is really no other way to describe how much money, sweat, frustration, & tears have gone into it. In 6+ years of living here, we have yet to sit back and say, "I'm bored!" I do believe that day isn't actually going to come!

Last week we were finally able to take on the eyesore of the house...the kitchen. It has been totally gutted. I think it already looks fabulous. LOL!


Notice the beautiful linoleum...circa 1970's...or before. And the stunning teal paint on ALL the woodwork.

And please take careful notice that I took the wallpaper off the soffit only to come to the conclusion that we didn't want to put any money into the kitchen right now, whatever we had was going towards the renovation.

And after demo:

Good-bye soffits!! If you look closely at the floor, you will see black paper. This is the tar paper they would glue to the wood floor to use as a moisture barrier before they put on the tile. We found a layer of tile (light green & beige), then plywood, then the lovely brown vinyl that we've been living with since we moved in.
And look at the insulation stuffed in the wall where they took out one of the big windows to put something more "modern" in. I wish they hadn't done that. ;o( But I've thought that a million times the past few years about different stuff.

Took out the 1/2 walls above the doorways. Still thinking how we want to proceed with the ceiling area here.

Our kitchen has been at least 4 different colors as we can tell: peach, light green, tan, white...and teal.

Here's what's beneath the tar paper:

Maple and fur wood floors. Today I spent a little time trying to figure out what was going to bring the tar paper up. So far, mineral spirits does the best job, but I think I might take a walk on the more chemically side of things and try something stronger. I'm not against elbow grease, but if something else can help me put in less elbow grease, it has my vote ;o)

Working on this floor today...and this entire current me thinking about why I'm so fascinated by old houses. But I've rambled enough for now, so I'll pick up on that thought in the next post.

BTW...our contractor is the best. You should've seen his face when we told him we had decided to save the old wooden floors. Priceless. Poor guy.

Friday, April 27, 2012

Confession of a non-Catholic

I feel the need to confess! I didn't do it to be mean, or because I was ticked off...wait, I'll back up.

BackStory - Over a year ago my most fabulous, sought-out stylist decided to go on his own and work out of his house...45 minutes from where I live. Yay for him. Boo for me. I was already traveling 25 minutes to get my hairs cut, but it was SO worth it. He knew my hair and made it love me in all manners of my crazy, wonderful life. Then he left and my hair and I were sad. So I got a babysitter, and made the trip to his place to get my hair cut & colored. And it was lovely...and costs including childcare meant that I spent more on that cut & color than what was acceptable. Boo. The gal that owned the original salon with him was doing business much closer to where I lived, so I decided to try her out.

((Enter current story))

Six months ago I got my hair cut by Maria, and the cut process was long b/c I kept asking for her to take more off here & there, but when we got to the end, I was happy. Life happens...I did not get back there until just today...and oh my goodness I needed a cut. It was strung-out, out of shape, dry, and had lived in a pony for about the past month...I'm describing my hair here...don't misinterpret it to be me b/c I can see how it might be confusing.

Today we color oh-so-summery, and she cuts and is remembering little nuances about my hair that I had told her about before (Wow!). Both girlies also get their hairs cut (Audi's first!).  Finally we get around to styling mine & she styles it straight (b/c I usually wear it curly), and the girls are being crazy at the salon b/c it's been 2 hours, so it's time to GO! Hasta & Thank You!!!

On the way home I notice it. The sides are a bit longer around the face than what I like. I know it's the style, but when I wear it curly, I just don't like it like looks "off". And I think it will just grow on me and it will be fine...but as the afternoon has worn on, it is not growing on me. It annoys me. And I feel bad about that b/c if I would've said something at the salon, she would've fixed it and no big deal. But now the salon is 25 minutes away, and I don't have time to go deal with fixing it and it's naptime around here & there's no way I'm interrupting THAT!

Maria, forgive me. I absolutely knew what I was doing as I took out the hair shears & comb, and yes, I "straightened" the sides of my hair. (Audrey's voice was running through my head, "I do it myself!") Now, the good news is that I only had to straighten each side one time...maybe a little fixing would make two. But I didn't go back & forth and butcher my beautiful haircut that took a lot of time. It looks just fine to me, and NO ONE is going to know anything once I wear it curly like how I always do anyway. But I do apologize to Maria, b/c she would know that I messed with her work of art. I'm sorry, I sincerely am. But I'm happier now too. ;o(

I tell you this not because I am proud of what I did. But b/c there are things we do as moms that just have to make do sometimes. My first choice would've been to go back and get it fixed, but that wasn't really a viable option. My second choice would've been to find a capable stylist here to fix it, but why do you think I go 25 minutes away to get my hair cut? So, yes, I resorted to taking my hair into my own hands...and it is might even look better than fine, but I'm not going to go that far.

And by the way, I can't be the ONLY one who has ever done this deed. So go ahead, Share Please! Commiserate with this non-Catholic Baptist girl trying to do confession!

Monday, April 23, 2012

List 5

I'm missing chocolate today. I had to cut ties if even for a short makes me sad to do it though ;o) Ha! So, here's 5 things that make me smile today:

1) My seedlings for my garden are getting HUGE! Growing so well and I can't wait to harden them off and get them growing in my 5BoxesOfGoodness! Going to be a fun gardening year.
2) I'm drinking coffee...need I say more?
3) We almost have the finalized plans done for our kitchen. You heard me right, the teal atrocity called our kitchen is going to get it's long awaited re-do soon!
4) My girls are healthy...and sassy...but both can be looked upon with much thanks.
5) Not the least of the list, but a huge shout out to my Honey who leads, protects, and provides for all of his girls. Love him so much.

Your turn! Leave me something...or 5...that makes you smile!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Artisan Bread

I have been on the hunt for a good bread recipe for a while. I use one that I kinda like...but I ran out of gluten a while ago and keep forgetting to pick it up at the store, so the bread comes out crumbly right now. Then I came across Artisan Bread on know, the one that says you can make a loaf with no kneading for $.40?!?! Um, YES! I want to do that! Yesterday I gave it a try, and it was so-so. Today I did it again and it is better. I think I might be onto something here! One recipe makes 4 loaves, but you only have to bake one at a time, having fresh bread everyday would be pretty cool, right?

And yes, I know you're supposed to wait until the bread is cooled until you cut into it...but I just couldn't wait!!! :o) The only thing that could've made it better would've been large amounts of Nutella spread on top. YUUUUUUM!

This is the blog that based their recipe from the technique they read in Artisan Bread in Five Minutes A Day. I did not read the book, but the blog was super helpful...thank you! I used 1/2 whole wheat, 1/2 white flour, so it was most likely a few more pennies than $.40/loaf, but I'm impressed enough to continue perfecting and working on the technique.

Does anyone have a good bread recipe they swear by? Or am I the only one who makes their own bread in the supermarket day & age? ;o) C'mon! Try this! It's so easy and you'll thank me. Be creative in your kitchen and try something new...then tell me how it went!

I'm thinking Broccoli Cheese soup tonight...with crusty bread...

Saturday, February 4, 2012


The past week has been a very hard one...I'll just put that out there as honest as I can. But, I've been in a few conversations and have been asked about some resources I use, so I thought I'd pass on what I've been passing on to others around me this week.

We homeschool, so most of the conversations have been from that viewpoint, but I think these would pertain to non-homeschoolers who are looking for more for their kiddos and for themselves.

 Honey for a Child's Heart - Gladys Hunt
Classic books and challenging reading to introduce at every age. I used to wander my library and look for quality books, now I take this book and find exactly what I need. If you are a lover of literature or Classic Education, you'll love this book.

First Art: Art Experiences for Toddlers and Twos - MaryAnn F. Kohl
This is my go-to art book right now. It has so many different ways of painting, drawing and molding...all which I can pull together quickly. My girls have loved everything I used from here. She also lays out for each "lesson" what you'll need, how to present it, and what the messy factor is going to be - I consider this INVALUABLE right now ;o)

Daily Focus - Janet Tatman
I feel a bit biased putting this on here because Janet is my sweet, dear friend. But I'm telling you...this is such an encouraging devotional. As moms we fight battles that are only ours, but also as homeschooling moms we fight battles that others do not. I swear she had a Nanny Cam in my house this week and knew exactly what was going was like a friend sharing God's truth with me each day as I read the small blurb. If you don't want to commit to purchasing the book, you can sign up and have a new devo in your inbox each morning.

Ok...that's all for now ;o) Just thought I'd share!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Year of Creativity (and moderation...if you must know)

Months ago (while I was doing laundry), Rohn & I got into a conversation about being creators instead of just consumers. In the years of having babies, raising babies, chasing after babies, baby laundry, oh...and now HOMESCHOOLING (the lovely time-sucker it is)...creativity has somehow taken a back seat around here. Because you see, it is so much easier to just buy a thing than to use brain power to make something new from something old, repurpose, or just learn to do something you don't know how to do! So, we decided right then that we MUST embrace creativity and get back on the train of life-long learning. Also - did I mention we became "friends" with Dave Ramsey 2 years ago and live on a budget now? A budget that doesn't just let you buy any old thing all the time...having limits also makes you creative (post on how I learned to cook because of this coming later).

So...first thing I dove into was making hairbows for my girlies. Because I LOVE sweet, little, big, southern-looking, preppy, bows and baretts and headbands and options! Must have options ;o) Say hello to Hobby Lobby, Pinterest, and 1/2 price sales on rolls of ribbons. I totally enjoy making bows and felt flowers and corker bows and tshirt headbands and other such fun things. Creativity is FUN!

Next on the list? Knitting. I see beautiful scarves, hats, baby leg warmers, and other such sweet (did I mention warm?) things for money...lots of money. Remember the budget? ;o) Yes, let's not forget. Again off to Hobby Lobby for needles & yarn (on sale, mind you!). Love that sucks me in and I have to purposefully leave. Yesterday one of the girls in our homeschool group came over and taught me how to cast-on, and the knit stitch. I can knit anything right now as long as it is the knit stitch...purling coming at a later date...and then I'm totally diving into cable...oh I love cable!

That's just of the pretty part...the edges are not so pretty, or straight. But hey...I'm still a knitting virgin here, and I don't think it looks too horrible!!! If it does, please do not imply so in the Comments. Thank you. Here's my current list of things I want to knit.

Baby Legwarmers - CUTE! As soon as I learn to purl, I can do the ribbing...very exciting! Audi's chunky legs would be sooo sweet in these. I would want to eat her up...even more than I already do!

This very cool chunky scarf using the KNIT stitch...I can do that!!! Anthro looking is this infinity scarf?

And then I figure I'll want to dive into a long, emotionally powered project...maybe a soft blanket for my girlies. This one looks so cute and bright.

Last note...remember the moderation bit in the title? I could do this knitting thing all day right now. I find it so relaxing and satisfying...but then laundry wouldn't get done, the girls would be eating crackers and cereal for meals, and schooling would be totally non-existent! All things in moderation...even really fun, creative, productive things.

What about you? Have you been learning something that is really enjoyable and creative? Do I need to learn it too? ;o) Share!!!!

Sunday, January 22, 2012

It's All Lies

January 1 came and went without resolutions for me this year...because I had already thought about it and didn't want to make them! Ha! But, in thinking about them, I decided I wanted to be intentional about a few things this year that I've let slip. One of those things is reading 1 book per month...which just seems ridiculous to say because I used to blow through books in a WEEK! That, my friend, was before children, and DVR, and Facebook, and Pinterest...and evidently I lost the joy and discipline of sitting down to read. I want to change that.

First book on my list for the year: Lies Women Believe and the Truth that Sets them Free by Nancy Leigh DeMoss. Have you ever read a book that is hard to continue reading because you keep on getting convicted and have to stop and talk things out with God...sometimes a few days of talking before you realize there is no use fighting it, His words are true and you're in the wrong. Oh yes...that is this book. In fact, I'm a little concerned I might not finish it in January because I keep on having to stop and get right with God! Which I guess is a good thing, right?

Ok...that was the back story...onto the reason for this post. Two Things...

The Lie: I don't have time to do everything I'm supposed to do.
The Truth: There is time in every day to do every thing that God wants me to do. (Ps 90:10-12, Jn 17:4)
Sad truth realization to me is that I often feel this way, although I might not say it aloud. But really, there is SO much to do in a day/week/month! And I always feel like I'm behind! The author pointed out something I've never thought of. When Jesus' work on earth was finished, he said "I have finished the work which thou gave me to do." And he did it in 3 years...don't you think he probably had the biggest TO DO list the world has ever seen? He did what his Father asked him to do...not what his disciples or the multitudes thought he should do (like overthrow the Romans)...just what God wanted. Also, he didn't take on anyone else's list, he had his orders and finished what God gave HIM to do.
The Takeaway - I can't be concerned with what everyone else thinks I should be doing, and put their items on my daily agenda. God has given me the items He wants me to accomplish each day, and I have to know what is and is not on the list. Oh that's so hard for me!!! What are the true priorities in my life right now and how do I need to go forth each day to accomplish them? I've started thinking about that each morning and asking for guidance and wisdom to know the difference between His agenda for me...and others that come into my day.

The Lie: A career outside the home is more valuable and fulfilling than being a wife and mother.
The Truth: There is no greater measure of a woman's worth or success than the extent to which she serves at the heart of her home. (Titus 2:4-5)
In all openness, I will share a pet peeve. When I am asked what I do for a job, I usually brace myself as I answer, "I stay home with my girls." Responses to that phrase tell me sooooooo very much about the individual. My favorite response is, "Wow! I could never do that, but good for you." See, I actually chose this a long time before kids were even in the picture for us, and I STILL struggle with that choice somedays. No one tells me "Great job on the laundry!" or "How did you make this? It's fantastic!" or "Your husband's shirts look so crisp!" But for years I'd get congratulated on a proposal I put together for my boss, or flowers for each Admin's Day, or publicly recognized for a job well done in some area. Funny one recognizes the work I put into my family when it is the hardest work I've ever done. Instead I get comments like, "I'd be so bored if I had to stay home each day" or "My kids would drive me crazy if I was with them all day." And let's just be real...there are somedays I would love to be back in the workplace. Lots going on, talking to adults instead of playing referee, working lunches at nice restaurants instead of messy, loud, lunches of kid-friendly food that I made, inhaled, coaxed, and then cleaned up. Love the quote the author uses:" It is true that many "perfect jobs" may come and go during the childrearing years, but only one will absolutely never come along again - the job of rearing your own children and allowing them the increasingly rare opportunity to grow up at home."
The Takeaway: ((Whew...anyone still reading this??)) This SAHM thing, that's on my agenda everyday!! And even though I might've made the "choice", it is my current calling. The tasks sometimes seem menial and insignificant, but the love and training I can give my girls, the support and respect I can give my husband...there's not a menial, insignificant thing about it. Others will always inflict their opinion onto my life, but only one person's opinion matters, and He is very clear about the true priorities in life. I may not get to have the perks a double income gives, but I am never going to regret this choice during this chapter in my life.

So talk to me...if you're still here... #1-Are you prioritizing your day or are you letting it run you over? and #2-Are you letting the worlds' opinions of your life outweigh God's plan for you? What lies have you been believing? It's a judge-free zone! I've just let you in on just how much prayer I need ;o)

Sunday, January 8, 2012

We Love Potato Soup

I made potato soup for New Years Eve. I know what you're thinking, but let me tell was GOOD! I think we're going to be calling it Loaded Baked Potato Soup. Just a warning...if you are squeamish of bacon grease, you're going to have trouble with this recipe. My grandpa would LOVE this recipe! But once you taste it, you'll convince yourself it's ok to indulge once in a while. That's how good it is! Rohn even took a picture. Who thought potato soup would be so loved?