Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Artisan Bread

I have been on the hunt for a good bread recipe for a while. I use one that I kinda like...but I ran out of gluten a while ago and keep forgetting to pick it up at the store, so the bread comes out crumbly right now. Then I came across Artisan Bread on know, the one that says you can make a loaf with no kneading for $.40?!?! Um, YES! I want to do that! Yesterday I gave it a try, and it was so-so. Today I did it again and it is better. I think I might be onto something here! One recipe makes 4 loaves, but you only have to bake one at a time, having fresh bread everyday would be pretty cool, right?

And yes, I know you're supposed to wait until the bread is cooled until you cut into it...but I just couldn't wait!!! :o) The only thing that could've made it better would've been large amounts of Nutella spread on top. YUUUUUUM!

This is the blog that based their recipe from the technique they read in Artisan Bread in Five Minutes A Day. I did not read the book, but the blog was super helpful...thank you! I used 1/2 whole wheat, 1/2 white flour, so it was most likely a few more pennies than $.40/loaf, but I'm impressed enough to continue perfecting and working on the technique.

Does anyone have a good bread recipe they swear by? Or am I the only one who makes their own bread in the supermarket day & age? ;o) C'mon! Try this! It's so easy and you'll thank me. Be creative in your kitchen and try something new...then tell me how it went!

I'm thinking Broccoli Cheese soup tonight...with crusty bread...

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